Skyward Sword HD trailer showcases quality of life improvements

Skyward Sword HD trailer showcases quality of life improvements

Nintendo has released a new trailer for Skyward Sword HD, detailing the improvements, and tweaks Nintendo has made to the upcoming Switch remaster.

Most of the improvements seem to be addressing how utterly insufferable companion character Fi could be, and greatly scaling back the Wii original’s endless tutorialising.

Rather than endlessly blathering on and reminding you what to do every five sodding seconds, Fi’s help is now mostly optional outside of cutscenees, which can also be skipped.

You can now also fast forward through on screen dialogue and text by pressing the B button, and tutorial dialogue can be skipped entirely.

The Wii version’s insistence on telling you what every collectable is, every time you pick one up has also been nixed.

On top of this the game now runs at 60 frames per second which should help make those improved motion controls, and new sword-swinging right stick controls feel even more responsive.

FInally the game now also autosaves on top of being able to save at statues, lik you could in the Wii original.

Unfortunately, the ability to fast travel, a really useful improvement for anyone who remembers how much back and forth there was in the original, remains locked behind the new Loftwing Amiibo.

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD will be out for Switch on July 16.

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